Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Poet Spotlight!--Carrie Rudzinski

If you haven't already heard of her, please check out her work. She is a brilliant writer who brings a refreshing style to performance poetry.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dear Ruth Brown, I'm Your Newest Fan

I'm a few decades late in the Ruth Brown fan club but now I'm a believer.

I am in awe of her intensity.

Thanks to theo for the video!

Very First Post!

Welcome friends!

This is my first blog post and I'm very excited about it!

If you keep following my blog you'll get a chance to follow my thoughts, the ideas that inspire my writing and the random things I find interesting.

For starters I thought i'd give you guys a poem from my manuscript


Bocca Chiusa

I’ve been meaning to tell you
That some part of me wants
to unzip the metaphors from the warmth
of your jacket. Some small part of me
wants to delete the last line of a poem
and unkiss you. Some part of me wants
to pull the words out of their sleeves
with my bare cold hands, Squeeze tight
and watch the verb shiver until it
convulses and writhes helplessly into a participle,

I’m looking at an old photograph
Fabricating a thousand new memories
Some part of me needs to tell you this
Without the assistance of publication
And copyright, The human condition
Is too cliché for you to appreciate some
part of me needs to let go of the stanza I
borrowed from you. The warm one with
the hole in it doesn’t smell like you anymore,

Some wise part of me knows better than to
Use Shakespearian vernacular, caviar words
And SAT linguistics to diagram our history.
Some part of me knows you’ll never understand
and it may be my fault
For not sharing.